Your Morning Sauce
Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy! More About: https://linktr.ee/sexyfreedommedia
Your Morning Sauce
The Universe Requests Your Presence
Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!
ABOUT HOST: https://linktr.ee/sexyfreedommedia
Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Question!! Are you going to the party? I am totally going to the party! Please tell me your going to the party! Wait, did I hear you correctly? What party? Are you freakin’ kidding me right now? You already forgot about the invitation? Okay okay, don’t fret, I got your back! Let me grab mine:
(Clears throat) Now listen carefully, cause you have to go to this!
Dear beautiful human,
You are cordially invited to one of life’s grandest parties yet.
It is with great honor that you have arrived at the dawn of this hour full of prana energy and divine spirit. Your presence to show up at today’s canvas of life will be one of our greatest shows to behold. Through time and space, light has reached you and touched you with love and miracles to bring about your cosmic existence. We boldly invite you to the Great Party of Life today. It will be filled abundantly with the art of your creation, the mural of your making, and the masterpiece of your choosing.
For you are uniquely and wonderfully made. You are divine through and through. We hope you show up today, for this invitation has a deadline. We hope you will accept this invitation as a distinguished honor and invaluable gift.
With infinity of love,
OMG! Every time I read that I get chills. Whaaat! Thank you Universe. Um, YASSS We are going!
Okay, so let’s talk outfits, what are you wearing to “The Party of Life” today? I’m kinda thinking I might go a little glam, throw some sparkles up in there, definitely adding some bright colors, cause you know me, I gotta have some bling! Bling!
I mean, I am freakin’ out! We get to LLL today: Live, Love, Laugh. Baby!
Wait, what. You aren’t really feeling it? Are you For Realz right now? Ohhkay. Let’s take a deep breathe. Let’s all calm down. I get it. Not everyone is excited all the time, especially in the mornings. But before you say, “NO” to this invite, I just want to say one last thing:
Right now in this world, there are hundreds, maybe thousands of people who would gladly trade places with you because they did not receive the invite to the party. Just let that sink in.
(pause – sigh)
Look, I didn’t want to pull the fear factor card, I just wanted you to know how amazing you are and to not take it for granted…like ever. You are not just a physical being. You are much more, WAY MORE. There is a curious and playful part of you within. One that wants to move, dance, laugh, create, expand….and at times, be still. That part of you is DYING to go to this party! Now come on! Let’s gooooo!
Say it with me:
· I AM filled with life energy today and I AM going to rock it!
· If I don’t like something, I have the power to change it because I always have a choice.
· I AM saying “Yes” to my inner fashionista and will strut my stuff down any hallway like a boss.
· I AM full of potentional and I have so much to offer this world. I WILL persevere!
· I AM grateful for the invitation to the Party of Life and I ACCEPT.
Ooooooh, Yeeeeaaaah, If you were a dinosaur right now, you would totally be a Goegeousaurus. Rawr!
Okay, well it’s time to let you go so you can get all glammed up! Soooo I’ll see you at the party, Queen!