Your Morning Sauce

Gratitude and Blessings

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 43

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! In Apache we say, Gozhoo dabih. In Spanish we say, Buenos dias. Good morning, friends. Are you ready to rock the day?

Whether your answer is “No” or “Yes” let’s bring our focus to the place where the BIG Huggy Bear Universe loves to hear our hearts. It’s in the space of “Gratitude”

You’ve probably heard this phrase, “Count your blessings” many times throughout your life. It makes sense, especially when you find yourself complaining on repeat. There is so much to be grateful for.

Let’s take a moment to pause, breathe, and exhale a big “woooosah” and be present with your blessings. 

Bring your attention to your body. Think of how divine and magical it is. Your body has carried you through many years of this life. It has weathered many storms and is still marching on for you. Your body loves you, fights for you, celebrates with you, and is your number one ready to defend you in this wild and unpredictive life journey.


Did you know that each cell in our body is the basic unit of life and can carry out all the necessary functions to be considered “alive,” like metabolism, growth, and reproduction, even though it is part of a larger organism like ourselves AND it’s said that an average human body contains around 30 trillion cells. 

We basically have a world of our own living life inside of us each day. Whaaat! And did you know that according to science, the probability of being born is 400-trillion-to-one. UM- Hellooooo “Walking Miracle”, Yes YOU. I mean, how EPIC and DIVINE are you!

Yet, we somehow allow negativity, stress, other people’s judgements and opinions, and complaints crumble our world. Not today, Satan! 

We are blessed to have our bodies, to have this breathe of life, and for the choice to turn our frowns upside down by being aware of our true blessings.

Question, Have you ever thought about your past and thought to yourself, “If I could do it all over again, I would do it differently.” Well, let’s put yourself in the future, what would you want to do differently now?

From the book, Man’s Search for Meaning, author Viktor E. Frankl writes, “So live as if you were living already for the second time…”

Ooof, that’s deep. That’s powerful.

Okay, here are some affirmations to bring your attention back to your present blessings. Repeat after me:

·         I am grateful for my strength that carries me through the hardest storms.

·         I am grateful for the people in my life who support my well-being, my goals, and dreams for my higher good.

·         For my loved ones who have passed on too soon. Your spirit is a part of me and I celebrate living a good life in your honor and in mine. I love you.

·         As I look around, I see the small blessings that mean so much to every cell in my body. For, I am alive! I am alive!

·         My mind, body, and soul are excited about the healthy and vibrant choices I’m making for it today.

·         I emanate gratitude and positive vibrations that attracts more positive experiences into my life.

Yes! Yes! Remember my friend, when things start to get rocky, shift your mind into being present with your blessings. Be gentle with yourself and show your body cells that just like they are on your side always, YOU are on their side just as well in wholeness, in oneness, in appreciation, in love, and in gratitude.

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