Your Morning Sauce

You Gotta Have Faith

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 41

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Cause you gotta have faith, Oooh you gotta have faith! – Just love that song, “Faith” by George Michael. It’s a classic!

Good morning friend, today’s message is about having faith in yourself. When I first began my self-improvement journey 20 years ago I wanted nothing to do with the word, “Faith” because the meaning behind the word I had grown up with was not delivering it’s full impact at that time. But once I began my journey of uncovering how powerful words can be when you intentionally employ them in the way in which they were meant to bring true peace and purpose in your life, I softened up and opened my mind to re-learning how faith can have a large impact in my life if I allow it to. 

For the purpose of this episode, we are specifically talking about faith in oneself or the belief in oneself.

According to psychology today: Believing in yourself includes things like self-worth, self-confidence, self-trust, autonomy, and environmental mastery. It’s important to know that Self-worth is the sense that you have VALUE as a human being. AND that to have Self-confidence means you have a positive attitude about your abilities, qualities, and self-judgement. Most importantly, Self-trust is faith that you can rely on yourself.

That’s pretty powerful. 

Taken from the book, Project 369 “The Key to the Universe” by David Kasneci it reads: 

While all things are possible to those who believe, all possibilities exist to those who know.

Transform thinking into knowing by changing “Maybe I will be that person” to “I AM this person”

For when you say, “I will be,” you are speaking of a time that doesn’t exist, but when you say, “I AM,” you call upon the eternal now.

Faith is knowing.

Mmmm. Now I admit, having faith in my own self was very challenging because I felt like a fraud or an imposter for believing in my own abilities. I remember practicing affirmations like, “I Am confident, powerful, and wealthy” while I was still “struggling, unhappy, and broke.” 

BUT I can say without a doubt, it was the power of faith in knowing I could transform my life if I just kept taking little baby steps in changing my habits, the words I used, and actions I took, I knew the life I really truly desired was bound to happen.


To help you move through this day in faith, here are four wonderful affirmations. 

REPEAT after me:

“I trust myself to make the right decisions because I know what is best for me.”

“I act on inspiration and insight. I trust my inner guidance.”

“I like who I am and who I am becoming. I believe in myself.”

“I am worthy of the compliments I receive. I accept them with love.”


Oh my friend, I hope you realize how special and unique you are. Know you are enough, right here, right now and have faith in yourself.

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