Your Morning Sauce

You Are Unique

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 36

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo!! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Good Morning you beautiful human being! Can I just tell you how amazing you are. Yassss! You are absolutely brilliant. You are intelligent, smart, capable, and a wonder to behold.

You’re probably wondering how I know this when I’m like a complete stranger. Well, if you don’t know the facts, I’m here to shed some light. Wu-shah!

According to thorough research, the odds of you being born are 1 in 400,000,000,000,000. (Four-hundred trillion) I mean, in comparison, your odds of being hit by lighting are 1 in 500,000. C’mon! You’re more likely to get hit by lightning than being born? 


I love this statement by Sanatana Dharma which proclaims that of all the species born on Earth, Human birth is the rarest and the most sacred as it is only through a human birth that one can realize one’s own divinity.


My dear, you are truly ….AND I MEAN TRULY ….Special!

I love this quote by author, Hiral Nagda, “Explore yourself in silent contemplation. You will find a ‘breathtaking being’ you were unaware about.” Mm.

The next time you find yourself questioning your life, or battling your inner critic and self-doubt, remember you are a basically a magical unicorn. You are the gold at the end of the rainbow. You are the extraordinary care bear! The epic game changer. The outstanding star dust, and the mystical uniqueness this world has been blessed to have with your phenomenal presence within it.

Aaaah, You’re freakin’ AMAZING!!!

When you find yourself faced with adversity, step up and stand in your power my friend. I mean, 1 in 4 Trillion! Hello! Mind blowing! You ain’t got time for games. You came here to slay! With those odds, you definitely have a purpose.

Maybe you aren’t sure what your purpose is just yet or maybe you do and you are still working through the details to align with it, but either way, it’s there. It’s ALWAYS there. It has to be! This is no mistake.

Today, re-commit yourself to your evolution. To your inner miracle being. Commit to walking with your head held high with grace and love for all you are in this moment. You are human, you are growing, you are experiencing, and you are glowing. “stardust, stardust”

Now, repeat these three affirmations:

“I embrace my divine uniqueness. That is my magical power.”

“Every part of me creates my individuality. It is magnificently mine and beautiful to behold.”

“I defy the odds and continue on my journey with courage, strength, and boldness.”

Yasss! Remember my friend, 1 in 4 Trillion.

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