Your Morning Sauce

Move Your Body

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 33

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo!! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Have you moved your body this morning? If you said, “Yes” because you got out of bed and moved your body from point A to point B then you are already off to a great start! But let’s take it a bit further shall we. 

According to research, data confirms that your cortisol levels are highest in the morning. Say what! Cortisol is the hormone fear. It’s made in the cortex of the adrenal glands and is then released into the blood. Although it’s essential for life, when too high, cortisol is one of the main materials that stunts your genius and increases unwanted symptoms of an array of health problems.

One of the biggest ways you can combat high levels of cortisol is through – you guessed it, working out or moving your body. Studies show that exercising or moving your body for just 20 minutes will significantly lower your cortisol AND dial you into your top performance, cognitive abilities, and release those “feel good” hormones: Dopamine and Serotonin.

I love this quote by Robin Sharma, “Calibrate your mindset. Purify your heartset. Fortify your healthset and Escalate your Soulset.” Ooh I love that!

I remember when I worked at a desk job in a small tiny cubicle super early in the morning. I was always running late for work and barely made it to clock in. I’d fall asleep at my desk a lot and felt overly exhausted, unmotivated, and bored to the bone. By the time I got home, I just wanted to eat and sleep. I didn’t know where I was going to find the time to work-out or get my sweat in. 

I finally put my foot down and made my body movements, “non-negotiable.” At work I would set my timer on every hour. I would then stand up at my desk and commit to 25- 50 squats and lunges. I’d do raised pushups and use my chair to lift my feet to get my ab workouts in. On my lunch hour, I would walk outside around the buildings. I had done it! I had found a way. I learned that there are no excuses. There is time to fit it all in and I had more control over my day then I had previously thought. 

Sure, people in the office thought I was crazy and weird for doing my mini workouts, but I stopped caring what everyone thought and that in itself was also liberating and empowering. 

See, it’s imperative you begin to make your mind, body, and soul health a priority. Create some non-negotiables for yourself in these areas and stand by them. 

Now, repeat these affirmations after me:

“My dedication to movement transforms my life daily and positively.”

“I am committed to becoming the best version of myself.”

“My future self will thank me for honoring my body and staying active now.”

Remember, progress over perfection. Each day is an opportunity to start again. Moving your body doesn’t have to be hard. It can be simple stretches, walking, jogging, dancing, hula hooping, skating, biking, twirling, or even dancing in the car to one of your favorite songs! 

My friend, you give so much of your time and energy to the external world and everyone in it. You owe it to yourself to at least claim 20 mins of that time for your own well-being. Okay! Now go move your body!

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