Your Morning Sauce

Good Morning You Sexy Thang

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 12

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*EXPLICIT* Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

What’s up! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Good Morning You Sexy Thang YOU! Did you sleep well? I hope you did. Are you ready for day? Or should I say, “is the day even ready for you?” Owww, you so spicy!

I think it’s time for a body check. C’mon now. Have you taken a nice deep breath with a quick stretch? Oh, I bet that is going to feel so GREAT! Okay, now vibe check, How are you feeling? Are you loving your vibe right now? Are you feeling like a sexy unicorn who’s ready to walk through the door prepared to get confetti thrown on you for your AWESOMENESS? I bet you are you magnificent being you!

Okay, now, What about your glow? Feeling it? Loving it? Can you walk it into any store and display it? Is it so gorg and bright that it’s blinding? Yassss sweets yasss!

I know you are totally feeling yourself this morning. Which rightfully so! You’re a BOSS! You work hard, you eat all your veggies, you smell good, and you brush your teeth. You are slayin’ it! 

Now listen, don’t let any negativity try to seduce you. You know better. Your sexy vibes are too on point this morning to let anything come through and knock you down. Honey boo, you are the split image of desire, of attraction, of sultry. Your confidence is fi-rrre. Purrrrr!

You are going to eat this day up! All good fortunes are upon youProfits, riches, wealth, success, delicious food, and Yasss, those tickets to travel to your next destination are already here. YOU ARE THE MATCH for this abundance. 

Now stay SEXY, you wild spirit you!

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