Your Morning Sauce

Fall Down 7 Times, Get Back Up 8

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 22

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! A few years ago, I found myself in complacency, in a place of boredom, where I wasn’t moving forward with my life, no sliding backwards. I had this urge to do something new with my life. I was feeling stuck and my energy needed to go somewhere, anywhere. So I began putting out resumes for a new job in an old industry I used to be in. As the weeks went by, rejection emails started pouring in. I was in shock. I was beyond qualified and yet, here I was getting rejected over and over again. This was the first time that this happened to me. I didn’t understand why. I began to take these rejections personal. I felt there was something wrong with me. I was questioning my worth, attacking my brilliance, and started feeling like a total loser. Which started to make me more and more depressed. 

But I never said a word to anyone. I just kept getting punched by rejection and falling back again and again. Although I felt horrible about myself, there was a large part of me that kept picking myself back up and trying again.

Like an investigator, I began to look inward to find the problem, but where I found the problem is also where I found the solution. The problem was that I was asking the Universe for a NEW door to open, but my actions were seeking an OLD door to open. And the solution was to become aware of this and make a decision to align my actions with my desires. Do I want an OLD door to open OR a NEW door? Which is it?

When I finally became clear about it, the Universe didn’t suddenly swing open a NEW door for me. No! More rejections came and knocked me down again.

*Nana Korobi Ya Oki, is a Japanese proverb which translates, “fall down seven times, stand up eight.” 

*I’m sure you’ve heard of this ancient proverb. It reminds us that in order to make progress in life, we must go beyond what we are currently capable of, which means we will sometimes fall but we must persist, get back up, and move forward.

SO one again, I turned inward and got clear about what kind of NEW door I was seeking. And again, a new door did not open HOWEVER, a cracked window did. The sunlight this window allowed into my life felt like a new hope, a new chance, a new direction, and a new life. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. 

That cracked window was the way through to get on the path to where I’m at today. I’m the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest I’ve ever been in my life. When I look back, I realize all those rejections were blessings. 

I wasn’t supposed to walk through those doors. I was supposed to go through the cracked window. 

In life, there’s this invisible design that we can’t see with the naked eye. This is why it’s so important to tap into your intuition. The intelligence of this Universe is bigger than us all. The Universe wants you to have what you truly desire, but do you really want what you truly desire, is the question?

Are you aligned with what you say you want? Are doors not opening for you? If so, maybe it’s not a door that is supposed to open, but maybe, just maybe, you’re supposed to go through a cracked window.

My friend, Fall down 7 times, Get back up 8.

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