Your Morning Sauce

Be Present With Your Blessings

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 21

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Before you begin to bombard your mind with all of the things on your TO DO list, pause, take a deep breathe in, and now exhale. This morning, let’s take a moment to Be present with our blessings. 

Often times, we are in a state of Go, Go, Go, because we Want, Want, Want or Need, Need, Need. It can get absolutely EXHAUSTING! 

The words of the famous, John Lennon comes to mind, and I quote, “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.”

What a profound statement. So how can you be present with your blessings right now? Well, let’s start with our friend, “GRATITUDE”

Did you know that studies suggest that gratitude inspires people to be more generous, kind, and helpful which strengthens relationships, including romantic relationships. Studies also have show that it boosts happiness and fosters both physical and psychological health. WOWZERS!

Mmmm, maybe your blessings right now is in the simple form of having a delicious coffee or tea. OR maybe it’s going outside and taking a few minutes to feel the warmth of the sunshine kiss your face. Perhaps it’s closing your eyes and thinking of the people closest to you who bring a smile to your heart because you LOVE them So freakin’ much and can’t imagine life without them!

See, the Universe, God, Great Spirit wants you to have everything your heart desires, but if you are in an overwhelming state of constant need and want, you may be repelling instead of attracting or sending out the frequency of lack instead of abundance. 

It’s like having a closet overpacked with stuff and hoarding piles of things you haven’t used for years upon years and asking God for a giant Unicorn to add to this pile. Would a Unicorn even be happy in your closet if you stuck it in there and forgot about it? I don’t think so!

This is what we often do with the people around us or the blessings we already have. They are the Unicorn in our closets and we need to be more present with them. We need to be thankful for our present blessings more often. This takes a few minutes a day to pause, breathe, and find it in our heart and soul to be grateful.

Not only will you feel better throughout your day if you do this, but so will your Unicorn.

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