Your Morning Sauce

The Journey of Nostalgia

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 16

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! When I was a kid living with my Grandma Eleanor, I remember every morning she’d go outside to water her grass in the front yard, but she would take extra time watering all the rose bushes that outlined the gate around the house. I’d always run outside to feel that crisp cold air hit my cheeks and I loved the smell of the fresh morning due. To this day, if I close my eyes, I can still smell the mornings of my childhood and see my grandmother watering her yard with a sense of peace over her. 

Growing up, roses have always been my favorite flower. I just thought it was because they were beautiful. Turns out they have more of a deeper meaning then I really understood. Roses represented my grandmother, family, peace, a sense of calm and security, nostalgia, and something I didn’t quite understand until later in life…Roses represented Connection. 

The symbol of roses for me connected me to my past, my present, and made me think of how I want my present to FEEL like. Peaceful, watered, growing, and glowing.

What about you? Is there a flower, a smell, a memory, or a place that connects you to a deeper meaning of what Peace can feel or look like?

Often times, our lives get so busy and bombarded with the over stimulation of everything around us but somewhere deep down, we long for peace and calm in our lives. Maybe you think you’ve never had peace and don’t know what that looks like. But I bet, somewhere at some point in your life, peace made an appearance to you, even if it was a sliver of a glimmer and you may not remember it, but the cells in your body stored that memory somewhere and it speaks to you through nostalgic feelings. 

Let this be a moment of awakening for you. Next time you have any nostalgic feelings or you feel drawn back to the same object, plant, flower, smell, person, or place – begin to ask yourself, “Does this represent a deeper meaning for me?” Take time to explore the true meaning behind it. You didn’t just wake up one day and “LIKE” something. At this point in your life, many things have been rooted within you and it’s time to explore WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT. This is a form of self love and self discovery. If you aren’t ready for this, it’s okay. Be loving to yourself right where you are at. 

If you are, travel with love and light on the journey within yourself. Enjoy this beautiful day my friend!

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