Your Morning Sauce

When You Wake Up Mad

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 11

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Have you ever just woke up mad? I mean like, URRRRR, everything is pissing you off and you haven’t even gotten out of bed yet. I mean, you just feel soooo ANNOYED about the blankets, the bed, the alarm clock you snoozed 25x, the bathroom, the kitchen, your phone, and let’s throw gas on the fire while it’s hot….OH YEAH, the sound of anyone’s voice totally urks right now. 

You just want to scream and yell….AND let’s not forget the magical word you are ready to unleash should someone call out your name during this time, you know which word, “WHAAATTT?!” 

Oh snapper doodle I totally get it! I mean, like seriously….WHAAAAT do they want? Right! How dare anyone or anything snap you out of your morning annoyance that was randomly uploaded in your emotional brain drive while you slept. 

Okay, so where were we? Ah yes, you’re mad and annoyed this morning. You know what, it would probably be so much more fun if we blame other people for you waking up mad. YASSSS, okay. So who did it? Tell me. I gotta know! 

Okay, wait, hold on. PAUSE We should definitely get a nice cup of coffee before we go full metal jacket with the blame game. 

Speaking of blame, did you know that according to scientific studies, Chronic blaming behavior is linked to various mental health issues. For example, individuals who frequently blame others for their problems may experience higher levels of stress and anxiety.

But, hey, if you are ready to experience higher levels of stress and anxiety today, please, don’t let me stop you from your state of annoyance, moodiness, and blaming everything and everyone else. 

Ooooh, okay I wasn’t going to tell you this last part but since we are annoyance sisterssss, apparently: If you stay angry you can impair your ability to concentrate and make decisions effectively. AND You may be more irritable, less patient, and more likely to engage in conflicts or misunderstandings, which can harm both personal and professional relationships.

Ahhhh but what do I know? I’m just a friend trying to help you change your mood so the world doesn’t come crashing down on you today. 

I know, I know, FRIEND OF THE YEAR AWARD. Look, I’ve been here A LOT and it sucks to feel moodiness and annoyed and frustrated, especially when you just wake up like this for no reason. But I would rather know you smiled today, that you chose to change it with all your might today. That you took control rather than letting some unknown sitch control you. 

Now go drink some good coffee and rock your day friend!

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