Your Morning Sauce

Go For Your Dreams

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 10

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Why not you? You know, why not you be a thousandaire? Be a millionaire? Be a rich and wealthy boss babe? Why not you have a successful business? Why not you make all your goals and dreams come true? 

In my other show, Sexy Freedom Media Podcast, one of my favorite episodes is the one me and January Liddell did on Episode #172, titled: “When it comes to dreams and goals: WHY NOT YOU?” 

Trust me, you NEED to check it out if you haven’t. So Why not you? I wanted to present this question because I, myself have to deal with my own self-critic and self-doubt taking charge of my life sometimes. I mean, it can get exhausting!

I started to think of my goals and dreams and asking myself, “Why not you?” If someone else can start from nothing and reach huge levels of success, why not me? 

One of my very first affirmations that helped me conquer my inner critic and self-doubts was saying, “I AM CAPABLE.” 

Anytime I felt my goals and dreams being crushed by my inner critic or any negative self doubting or even finding myself comparing myself to others, I’d instantly say, “I AM CAPABLE.” And boy was this powerful. I learned that I had to retrain my brain, DAILY to create new neuro-pathways of my thinking to create new habits in my life. I knew I could do it if I just became aware of my thinking and learned to shut down the doubt instantly and replace it with more empowered affirmations. AND IT WORKED! AND STILL WORKS!

But you’ve got to stay consistent and keep creating new ways of thinking and new habits. 


Never stop believing in your dreams and in your goals. THEY ARE YOURS. Protect them, water them, feed them, expand them, mold them, ignite them, believe in them, and celebrate them. YOU TOTALLY GOT THIS!

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Sexy Freedom Media Podcast

Helen Edwards and January Liddell