Your Morning Sauce

Good Morning Prosperity

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 7

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*EXPLICIT* Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!

Helloooo! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! Good Morning! Are you ready to call in big amounts of prosperity into your life today? I bet you are! But first, let’s uncover some money blocks that you may have already instilled in your life that we need to move out of the way like STAT! 

Let’s look into some of these questions….

Do you worry about money throughout your day? Do you find yourself saying, “I can’t because I don’t have? Or…I don’t have enough? OR I’m broke?”

Do you get this uneasy feeling in your body when you know it’s time to pay for something whether that be a person, a bill, or just putting gas in your car?

Do you find yourself asking God for financial miracles or asking the Universe for a surplus amount of money daily? But also simultaneously putting negative energy against these favors because frankly, the pessimist within you is getting the final word on your idea of abundance?

If any of these questions are a habit in your life, then it’s past time to start re-training your mind, body, and spirit into a higher frequency, so you can match the vibe you want to attract in your life. And today, that vibe is PROSPERITY!

According to the dictionary, Prosperity means success or the state of success, especially financial or material success. Prosperity often implies success in terms of wealth, health, and happiness.

In, Jen Sincero’s popular book, You are a badass at making money, she quotes: “Faith raises your frequency. When you trust that your riches are on the way, instead of biting your nails over the what-ifs and how the hells, you shift your emotional state from doubt and fear to excited expectation. This shift raises your frequency, opens you up, and makes you aware of people and opportunities you weren’t seeing before.”

Thus, repeating, “TIME to start retraining your mind, body, and spirit into a higher frequency.”

Simply stated: You attract what you are. 

Here are some great affirmations to begin this, repeat after me:

“Attracting money comes easily to me.”

“The more I give, the more I receive because money is abundant to me.”

“I constantly discover new sources of income.”

“I let go of all my fears around money because I am smart with saving and growing it.”

Remember, you are more than capable of attracting and leaning into the manifestation of prosperity but don’t just think it and leave it. LEAN INTO IT. Create, work, and level up to match the same vibes as what you are putting out there and asking for.

Believe you can and you will!

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