Your Morning Sauce

You are a Badass!

Helen Edwards Season 1 Episode 3

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Not a morning person but have to get up and get going? This is for you! Your Morning Sauce has a bit of everything to give you the good vibes and fun you need to start your day. Some episodes are short and sweet and some are explicit and spicy. *Explicit: Adult Language* Choose the sauce that best fits your morning needs. Enjoy!


What’s up! This is YOUR MORNING SAUCE! How did you sleep? Did you even sleep? Whatever the case may be, it doesn’t knock the fact that you are a fuckin’ badass! AND you are about to do some badass shit today! 

Sure, you got to go to work but that doesn’t mean your badassary stops when you walk through that front door. HELL NAH! You are a badass, with a good ass, who does dope ass shit! Your attitude is AMAZING, your vibe attracts your tribe, and you are on a successful path because you chose this! You make smart decisions for the well-being of your future success. 

YOU INFLUENCE THE ENERGY IN THE ROOM. Not the other way around. Don’t let yuck, suck, and ick determine your mood. YOU are in control. That’s right! You are the BOSS of your mind. You are the BOSS of your mood. You are the BOSS of your actions. 

Now go out there and strutt your stuff you bad ass betch!

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